I think by now it is safe to say that almost everyone owns a flat screen TV. It is so nice to be able to hang the TV on the wall and not need a big clunky entertainment center to house a TV like before. But like all advancements, they do not come with out their challenges. In this video I show you how to hide the wires for you TV in the wall.


This is a relatively easy process that almost any homeowner can do. Also I want to point out that this method only works in wood frame construction with drywall interior. This is a common build method in the united states.

I started by cutting out two holes that were the same size as the Low voltage Old Works boxes that I was using. The boxes are needed so that you have something for the faceplates we will be installing later to screw into. The first hole I cut behind where the TV will be and I cut it horizontal as opposed to the typical vertical installation. I did this because when the wires are coming out of the brushed faceplate, if it is installed horizontally they are easier to line up and organize. For the bottom hole, I installed it vertically so that it would match all of the other outlets installed throughout the house.

Before installing the old works boxes I went ahead and pulled all of the wires. This may seem counter intuitive, however, without the box installed the hole in the wall is just big enough that I can get my hand through it which makes it a lot easier to run the wires. If I install the box first it makes it a lot harder to get the wires installed. It probably doesn’t need to be said, but always start your wires from the top hole and feed to the bottom. Let gravity do the work for you. I also like to tape the wires together so the heavier wires can help pull down the lighter ones. After i had all of the wires in the wall that I wanted, I then ran them through the old works box and installed it into the wall.

The last step before before hanging the TV back on the wall is to install the brushed faceplates. They have a rectangle hole in them approximately 1 inch by 2 inches. The hole is filled with a white brush material so that it adapts to the amount of wires you need to pull through. It makes for a very finished custom look and in my opinion is the most important part of this job.